Monday 2 March 2015

Numbers 35 - 31

35. Amélie Poulain (Amélie)

Would you look at that? Another character on here for having excess niceness. After accidentally finding a box belonging to a boy who used to live in her apartment, Amélie decides to track him down to return the box. When she successfully accomplishes this, Amélie decides to help more people like this, just because she can. What makes this more impressive is that Amélie is quite shy, and she STILL goes ahead with this, to the point where she describes everything they pass to an old man on the way to the train station. Truly heart-warming.

34. San (Princess Mononoke)

You know those stories of kids who get raised by wolves? Well, San was raised by a wolf GODDESS! Abandoned by her parents when wolf goddess Moro attacked them (in her defence, they were destroying the forest), Moro decided to raise San alongside her own cubs. This led San to a life of protecting the forest from humans, growing to resent them. San is cool, willing to take on an entire village to get to Lady Eboshi, the one in charge of destroying the forest to make an iron mine. She got shot in the face and kept going for Eboshi, because she’s just that badass.

33. Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

To be honest, I don’t think I need to go past her first appearance to emphasise how awesome Toph is. Picture this: an adorably tiny twelve year old blind girl taking on seven full grown men at the same time, and winning. I mean, I know Earth bending is all about power, but jeez. And then backs this feat up a few episodes later by holding a GIANT LIBRARY above ground long enough for her friends to escape. And let’s not forget METAL BENDING, which everyone believed to be impossible. Who said little girls were weak and helpless?

32. Storm (X-Men)

You remember me saying Rogue had the best power of all the X-Men? Well…this would be a close second. Storm’s power is to control weather. To the point where she can zap you with lightning when there’s not a cloud in the sky. Or just make a mini tornado wherever she wants, for no more reason than she wants a mini tornado. But as one of the most powerful X-Men, did you expect any less? She’s led the X-Men, that’s how good she is.

31. Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Riza Hawkeye is the right hand woman of Roy Mustang, one of the most powerful alchemists in Amestris. That’s really all you need to know about her awesomeness, but thirty seven words is hardly a good summary. She has Mustang’s undying trust, to the point where he would allow her to kill him if he strays from his path. She’s an incredible sharpshooter, living well and truly up to her name. And honestly, anyone willing to die rather than help the bad guy is a true badass, as Riza did when she told Mustang not to perform human transmutation to save her life (it didn’t work, but it’s the thought that counts). She also tricked Envy into revealing him/her/itself, which is also cool.

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